Before and after school care (Jutranje varstvo in podaljšano bivanje)


Schools organize different forms of morning day-care in after-school class supervised by a qualified person.
• Morning day-care is provided to first-grade students and after-school class to students of first through sixth grade. Both include organized activities. Link (in Slovenian):
• Supplementary and remedial classes: Both programmes take place before or after the regular classes. Supplementary classes are provided for children who want to upgrade their knowledge in certain subjects and receive higher-level learning, for example to prepare for competitions. Remedial classes are provided to children who have difficulties in assimilating certain learning material and require additional help in developing their learning skills. Supplementary classes are organized for students who are exceeding certain learning standards in individual classes, while remedial classes are organized for students who need help learning.
For the children whose mother tongue is not Slovenian, additional Slovenian language lessons can be organized as well as lessons in their mother tongue and their culture. The education of the Roma community children, children who are third-country nationals and children without citizenship is subject to special regulations.


Morning day-care is provided for first-grade children. After-school class is provided for children of first through sixth grade.
Supplementary and remedial classes take place before or after class. Supplementary classes are organized for students who want to assimilate the learning material at an advanced level. Remedial classes are organized for students who have difficulty learning.


The school informs parents of the planned morning day-care and after-school class at the beginning of the school year. Parents register their child for the chosen programme according to the dates provided by the school.