Temporary protection (začasna zaščita)


If you are a third-country national or a stateless person and you fled areas of armed conflict or endemic violence or you are at serious risk of or a victim of systematic or widespread violations of your human rights and you arrive in Slovenia in a mass influx together with other displaced persons from third countries who are unable to return to their country of origin, a temporary protection status might be granted to you. This might happen in cases when the Slovenian asylum system is not able to process applications due to their high number in a short period of time.


Based on the proposal from the Commission which examines a request by a Member State, the Council of the EU decides whether a mass influx of displaced persons exists. Due to its decision, Slovenia can introduce temporary protection. It decides on the number of people who are granted temporary protection, conditions for exceeding this number (especially when families reunite or in case of a vulnerable group of individuals), the date on which the temporary protection will take effect, its duration and the deadline for leaving the country. The Slovenian government then informs the Council about the accommodation capacities for displaced persons. Temporary protection is normally granted to individuals for one year and can be only extended twice for six months. It can also be canceled beforehand if the conditions change and you are able to safely return and stay in the country or region of origin. You can read more about temporary protection in the Temporary Protection of Displaced Persons Act here
(available only in Slovenian): http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO4176
and in Council Directive 2001/55/EC here
(in English): http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2001:212:0012:0023:EN:PDF


Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Direktorat za upravne notranje zadeve, migracije in naturalizacijo

Urad za migracije, Sektor za postopke zakonitih migracij (Ministry of the Interior, Internal Administrative Affairs, Migration and Naturalisation Directorate, Migration Office, Status Affairs Division)
Štefanova ulica 2, 1501 Ljubljana
Telephone: +386 1 428 43 02
E-mail: gp.mnz@gov.si

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Direktorat za upravne notranje zadeve, migracije in naturalizacijo Urad za migracije, Sektor za postopke zakonitih migracij (Ministry of the Interior, Internal Administrative Affairs, Migration and Naturalisation Directorate, Migration Office, Status Affairs Division)

Štefanova ulica 2

1501 Ljubljana